our team

Meet the very friendly and enthusiastic core team of Rent a Keg!


Dan kenney

Dan's role includes quoting for bespoke jobs, creating new products and improving quality and processes

Office Manager

Fiona kenney

Fi runs the office but is also in charge of customer care and journey experience. Every detail matters!

Bookings Advisor

Joe kenney

Joe helps customers with their quotes and any booking queries. Joe is also an experienced delivery tech, so full of useful knowledge

Senior Technician

Geoff Ashcroft

Geoff is our senior technician. Geoff installs the majority of the installs for hire as well as servicing regular clients

Quality Control

Lewis peacock

Lewis is in charge of quality control making sure that all of our equipment is clean to regulation.

Learn About our products

why choose rent a keg?

We are a small family run business that pride ourselves on providing hassle-free keg, tap and bar solutions with convenient delivery options and excellent customer service.

Fast Delivery

Door to door delivery... fresh directly from the brewery to you

Secure Checkout

We offer a variety of safe and effective methods of payments

Our Promise

Guaranteed delivery and quality approved by Major UK Breweries

Expert Advice

Free product and technical advice for all of our customers

Need assistance?

Looking for some help or friendly advice? Need to know more about how we operate?